When great music inspires innovation...

Nine minutes into the latest CXWORX™ release and the powerful sounds of Never Seen Runaway by Jay Kill and The Hustle Standard will start filtering out of the speakers. This means it’s time for the physically tough Standing Strength track – a track that combines awesome music and an innovative new move.

As we develop CXWORX™ we’re always looking for not only scientific movement variety, but music that offers a different beat per minute, tempo and feel. Never Seen Runaway (the Lost Soul & Genjo Mix) by Jay Kill and The Hustle Standard encompasses all of the above. The contrast between the slow, reggae papa intro and the thick setting beat drop creates a mind-blowing fusion of feel and atmosphere. What’s more the sound was so creative that it inspired us to create a new innovation – the modified Arnie Press while in an Overhead Squat position. This is simply a fantastic movement that works all of the muscles of our core, shoulders, legs and posterior chain.

The secret to success within this track is the right weight selection. Go for heavy plates and you’ll challenge the core, shoulders, legs and posterior chain. Working with light weights will help you build efficiency and above all, great technique. With that said, we suggest you start light and each week progressively add more resistance.

Lastly, if you like the sound of Jay Kill & The Hustle Standard make sure you become a CXWORX™ regular – we’re love their music and are looking forward to working with them again on future releases.

To find out more about the benefits of CXWORX™ click here. To find out more about the soundtrack to the latest CXWORX™ release click here.

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