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Manage it all with the
Club Portal

The Club Portal is a one-stop online resource for our partners.

It has everything you need to manage your LES MILLS fitness programs and certified Instructors, register for training and special events, and run successful classes for your members.

All partner clubs get access to the Club Portal. Logging in is simple and allows you to:

  1. View and manage your LES MILLS programs
  2. Purchase and manage music and training resources for your Instructors
  3. Set up Digital Autoship so your Instructors get new releases automatically
  4. View and manage your LES MILLS Instructors’ certifications
  5. Connect with new certified Instructors in your area
  6. Find and register for upcoming training and events for you and your Instructors
  7. Manage your account settings and payment options
  8. Enquire about adding new LES MILLS programs to your timetable

Log in now.

Manage your programs, Instructors, music, training and so much more