Les Mills Content:
The world’s best workouts,
hosted by you


85% of gym members were already training at home pre-COVID; future-proof your business with an at-home offering from the experts in fitness.

LES MILLS Content allows you to take ultimate control. Your audience gets easy access to the world’s best workouts, while you keep them within your brand ecosystem.



Stand out by hosting LES MILLS Content on your own app or website. Choose from 100 premium videos including equipment and non-equipment workouts, Base beginner and technique videos and the Les Mills Mindfulness series all with new releases every quarter.

  • A COST-EFFECTIVE DIGITAL SOLUTION : Offer world-class workouts within your own site. Enjoy less up-front cost and no need for ongoing content creation.
  • ENHANCE VALUE AND GROW REVENUE : Add value with an integrated fitness solution. Set the price and grab your share of the digital fitness boom.
  • IMPROVE RETENTION : Combining in-person and at-home options keep your members coming back for more.
  • DRIVE ACQUISITION : Attract new interest with digital memberships.
  • MAKE INFORMED DECISIONS : Use the data from your digital workouts to maximize opportunities in your program mix and timetable.


License-free music also allows you to create a centralized video on demand library of Les Mills workouts featuring your own Instructors, via LES MILLS Recorded Livestream (available to LES MILLS Content partners).




The full-body weights workout, BODYPUMP is for anyone looking to get lean, toned and fit – fast.


The high-energy, martial arts-inspired, non-contact workout. Punch, kick and strike your way to fitness.


New generation yoga that will improve your mind, your body and your life.


The high-energy whole-body fitness class with athletic movements and strength exercises.


Our series of 30-minute HIIT workouts, scientifically designed to deliver results through intense athletic training.


The ultimate scientific core workout for incredible core definition and sports performance.


The highly motivating cardio peak cycle workout designed to burn calories and improve cardio fitness.


A fully immersive cycling workout with a journey through digitally-created worlds.


The 30 minute high-intensity workout that delivers rapid results with the latest music and training techniques


Our fun-loving, insanely addictive dance workout that builds fitness and encourages expressive movement to party tracks.


Benefit from extra coaching and tips as you gradually progress through key BODYPUMP™ and BODYCOMBAT™ tracks.


This series of guided meditations has been developed to make experiencing the benefits of mindfulness easy.

Les Mills Content Partner Benefits

  • Greater value for your membership fee: Offer a digital option and set the price members pay.
  • Host content within your own gated app or website, via a third party or on a platform from Les Mills.
  • Deliver world-class content at a fraction of the cost of creating your own.
  • Music is license-free, so absolutely no licensing issues.
  • Marketing assets to support content promotion.
  • Keep members active and engaged with your facility even if they can’t make it.

* The LES MILLS Content program is exclusive to Les Mills partners. If you'd like to find out how to become a partner then complete the form below





What is LES MILLS Content?

What is LES MILLS Content?

LES MILLS Content enables you to offer a video on demand library of Les Mills workouts in your own club’s app or website. LES MILLS Content consists of 100+ premium videos including equipment and non-equipment workouts, Base beginner and technique videos and the Les Mills Mindfulness series, with new releases every quarter.

As a LES MILLS Content partner you also have access to LES MILLS Recorded Livestream which enables you to build your own video on demand library of Les Mills workouts featuring your own Instructors.

In addition, Les Mills obtains license-free music for LES MILLS Content and LES MILLS Recorded Livestream releases that does not require additional music licensing by partners.

Which programs are available for LES MILLS Content?

6 programs are available for LES MILLS Content and LES MILLS Recorded Livestream: BODYPUMP, BODYCOMBAT, BODYBALANCE, BODYATTACK, LES MILLS GRIT and LES MILLS CORE. Multiple formats will available for some releases (e.g. 15min, 30min, 45min, 55min).

LES MILLS Content will have 100+ videos in total available. The releases will be updated each quarter and you’ll need to retire the oldest release as the new release is made available. Alongside the main programs, Base beginner, technique and mindfulness videos will also be available.

Why were these 6 programs chosen?

The programs selected have been based on ‘at home’ insights from subscriber usage and behaviours through LES MILLS On Demand and brings together the most popular programs, formats and a mix of equipment/non-equipment-based programs.

How is LES MILLS Content different to LES MILLS+?

LES MILLS Content and LES MILLS+ both consist of world class workouts from Les Mills. However there are a few key differences:

LES MILLS Content has 100+ videos available, vs 1000+ in LES MILLS+.

LES MILLS Content can be hosted within a club partner’s own ecosystem on their app or website, whereas LES MILLS+ is hosted by Les Mills.

Are there any music licensing requirements?

Les Mills obtains license-free music for LES MILLS Content which is different from the licensed songs that are used for LES MILLS On Demand. The use of LES MILLS Content does not require additional music licensing by partners.

How will LES MILLS Content be supplied?

LES MILLS Content can be supplied in one of 3 ways:

  1. Direct to partner - LES MILLS Content can be supplied directly to partners via our cloud to upload into your ecosystem.
  2. Via third-party app – If you work with a third-party app we can set up an agreement in order for LES MILLS Content to be uploaded directly via the third-party.
  3. Via video hosting – we can host the workouts via our platform for you to then integrate into your ecosystem.

Where do we host / how can members access LES MILLS Content?

LES MILLS Content and LES MILLS Recorded Livestream is designed to sit within an in-club app or web page that members on an additional membership tier would have access to. If you need support and advice on platforms and apps available please speak to your Customer Experience manager.

The workouts must sit behind a member log in and cannot be open to public access. (Please note, any recorded versions that are found online that are accessible by the general public will be removed and/or the site blocked).

LES MILLS Content and LES MILLS Recorded Livestream must be offered together as part of the same membership journey or tier.

What is LES MILLS Recorded Livestream?

What is LES MILLS Recorded Livestream?

LES MILLS Recorded Livestream enables partners to offer a centralized recorded livestream library of Les Mills workouts to members. Club partners are able to film their own Instructors teaching livestream workouts (using license-free music for the relevant release supplied by Les Mills, and without tracks being mixed and matched) and then store and host these on their own platform to build a video on demand (VOD) library.

How is LES MILLS Recorded Livestream different to Livestream?

Les Mills obtains license-free music for LES MILLS Recorded Livestream and it therefore can be livestreamed and recorded without additional music licensing by partners.

How do we access LES MILLS Recorded Livestream?

LES MILLS Recorded Livestream is available to partners who have a LES MILLS Content partnership and will be accessed through their chosen platform or app. Partners must also be licensed in the program that they use with LES MILLS Recorded Livestream e.g. if you have a BODYPUMP and BODYBALANCE license you would only be able to record and store LES MILLS Recorded Livestream BODYPUMP and BODYBALANCE releases.

Why do we need LES MILLS Content to access LES MILLS Recorded Livestream?

LES MILLS Recorded Livestream is an extension of the new LES MILLS Content offering and has been designed to provide additional value to partners building their digital strategy.

Who can teach the programs?

Partners must utilize a certified Les Mills Instructor for the specific program they are recording. The Instructor must be certified in the specific program. It is recommended that the instructor is a regular on the timetable to connect your digital and live experience.

Partners must also be licensed in the program that they use with LES MILLS Recorded Livestream.

How will the releases be delivered for LES MILLS Recorded Livestream?

The assets for LES MILLS Recorded Livestream will be provided via the Les Mills cloud directly to the Club Partner. The assets will include:

  • Program Choreography notes
  • Music file
  • Metadata & Thumbnail images

Note: No video will be provided as part of the asset pack. Instructors who have purchased the release (or whose club has purchased the release for them) will have access to that release’s Masterclass Video via the Releases App or Portal and the video remains the same. Releases are available for purchase on the portal if the instructor does not already have the masterclass.

The partnering Club will then manage the control and distribution of materials to the Instructors who will be filmed for their LES MILLS Recorded Livestream library.

How many recordings of each program can we store in our LES MILLS Recorded Livestream library?

There are no restrictions on the number of releases per program a partner can record and offer to members.

However partners must follow the guidance around program durations/formats i.e. you cannot create your own cut down versions of a program.

You can only record the releases where materials have been provided.

What music is used for LES MILLS Recorded Livestream?

Les Mills obtains license-free music for LES MILLS Content and LES MILLS Recorded Livestream. When creating your LES MILLS Recorded Livestream library you must use this license-free music supplied to you by Les Mills. You cannot mix and match tracks for LES MILLS Recorded Livestream.

Why can’t we store these in our closed social media groups?

LES MILLS Content and LES MILLS Recorded Livestream are designed to be a member benefit and add value to your memberships. Therefore, needs to sit behind a member log in and not distributed through social media.

What happens if we end our partnership?

If a partner ends their partnership with Les Mills they must remove the related LES MILLS Content and LES MILLS Recorded Livestream videos.

I'm an Instructor, how does LES MILLS Recorded Livestream work?

Why can’t I build my own LES MILLS Recorded Livestream library?

As with live classes, LES MILLS Recorded Livestream needs to be done with a licensed club. LES MILLS Recorded Livestream is specifically available to club partners licensed for live programs and who have a LES MILLS Content partnership. The music used is slightly different and there are different choreography in some tracks so these are not totally the same releases as you teach. They will not be taught in a live format.

How do I get involved with my club’s LES MILLS Recorded Livestream?

Speak directly to your club about getting involved with their LES MILLS Recorded Livestream plans.

What are the benefits to Instructors?

We know that Instructors provide the ultimate motivation and connection to clubs’ members. LES MILLS Recorded Livestream enables clubs own Instructors to feature in their video on demand playlist. This will provide teaching opportunities for Instructors during the filming process. Ongoing, members will stay connected to their favorite Instructors and once clubs are open will join live classes and other livestream workouts.

What options do I have to livestream?

With your club, Instructors can livestream Les Mills workouts in 2 ways:

  1. Livestream: Les Mills Instructors can livestream their club’s regular Les Mills workouts to members through club’s closed platforms / in Club app in accordance with the Livestream terms and conditions.

  2. LES MILLS Recorded Livestream: Clubs who have a LES MILLS Content partnership are able to film their own Instructors teaching specific livestream workouts and then store and host these on their own closed platform to build a video on demand (VOD) library for members. Only the LES MILLS Recorded Livestream workouts using license-free music can be stored.

Livestreaming via your club allows you to teach the latest releases, use original music (if permitted under local music licensing bodies guidelines) and keep members connected to your clubs during lockdown. However, if you've done everything you can and your club isn’t yet set up to livestream, there is a small collection of workouts that will be available on YouTube during lockdown for Instructors to teach on their own channels.