How to Create a Home Workout Routine You'll Stick With

The real challenge of an at-home workout begins well before you start sweating. For most of us the hardest part is mustering the motivation we need to get started.

Let’s be honest, when there’s no one watching committing to fitness can be tough. Who’s to know if you stick with your exercise intentions? Will there be any repercussions if you cut your workout short? What if you just skip the workout all together?

You can overcome the challenge of solo exercise by following these simple tips and making at-home workouts work for you.

1. Stick to your schedule

Workout at home

Scheduling a specific time to train each day will not only shape a regular routine, it will help manage (and eliminate) any potential distractions. To avoid spending the first half of your exercise time browsing an online library of workout options decide on your next workout the night before (or at the end of your previous workout session). If you really want to hit the ground running, bookmark the workout, lay out your workout gear and equipment and make sure your workout space has plenty of room to move.

2.Create the perfect setting for sweating

Workout at home

For most of us, setting up a gym in the basement isn’t plausible, or necessary. You can create a motivating workout area simply by finding the best place to stream online workouts and keeping any exercise equipment nearby. Watch and learn how to make the most of your space here. By keeping any workout equipment organized in a basket or tidy spot you’ll stay motivated, and remove the hassle of getting “set up” every time you think about exercise. Be sure to always have a sweat towel and water on hand – rushing off to the kitchen to get a mid-workout drink won’t do your fitness goals any good.

“We’ve always had a completely dedicated work out space in every house we own – it’s how we stay accountable!” Laurie A Lucas

3. Choose workouts wisely – get the right inspiration

Workout at home

If you’re looking for at-home workout ideas you don’t need to look far, the internet is littered with all sorts of exercise ideas. The catch is, they’re not all created equally – and following a hot Instagram model’s favorite moves is unlikely to fast track your fitness success. The most effective way to challenge your fitness, build strong lean muscles and improve your health is to follow a scientifically-backed workout that has been carefully structured to drive results. Choose a workout on the LES MILLS™ On Demand platform and you can confident that it’s been shaped by a team of fitness professionals, sports scientists and music experts, before being comprehensively tested and refined to ensure it’s highly engaging and effective.

“LES MILLS On Demand has not only allowed me to work out regularly, but it gives me the opportunity to reap the varying benefits of all the formats and utilize them as my body needs and craves them – on my schedule.” Ryann Hubbard Monahan

4. Ditch the distractions

When you’re working out in a gym you’re surrounded by fellow exercisers, the focus on fitness is absolute and the chance of distraction seeping in is slim. At home it’s a different story. Kids, neighbors, your pets, your phone…they’re all on standby ready to sabotage your exercise. If you want to successfully tick off an at home workout you need to eliminate potential interferences before they take hold. The easiest way to make this happen is to turn your phone on silent, plan your workout for a time when children or visitors won’t be around to interrupt and make sure your dog or cat is shut away in another room.

5. Get the variety your body needs

Workout at home

If you want to get hooked on regular exercise you need to find an activity you love. But doing nothing but your favorite workout will only get you so far. The best results come when you follow a weekly regime that features a combination of cardio, strength and flexibility training. It’s also important to mix up the workouts and keep introducing new activity. With a library of over 500 workouts, and new workouts added every week, LES MILLS On Demand makes it easy to get the variety you need for optimal results.

“There's huge variety on Les Mills! I love a new release, but when I get bored I just either do a different one, or different program. My fitness is going through the roof, and I’m doing it at home!“ Tiffany Perry

“For a working mom with young children I struggle to find gym time. Les Mills has given me no excuses and I LOVE the variety. With such a variety of workouts I haven't repeated a week in the last seven months.” Lisa Parker

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