Hi Christina, can you tell us about your journey to date?
Christina Puleo (CP): I’ve been in community wellness for 20 years now, starting as a membership director at Hockomock Area YMCA, where the team was able to grow membership at the Franklin branch from 5,000 to 12,000 in my first year. That really sparked my passion for driving membership and creating inclusive fitness environments. I rose through the ranks and then later joined the YMCA of Central Massachusetts – based in Worcester, which is the city I was born in. I started here at the Greendale Family Branch as Associate Executive Director, becoming Executive Director in 2015 and then in 2022 I was made Senior Executive Director, overseeing both our Greendale Family Branch and membership across the other five facilities in our association.

How would you describe Greendale Family Branch?
CP: We work hard on telling the Y story and creating a vibrant atmosphere that people can feel is a great place to be as soon as they walk through the door. It's all about hiring the right people, making them feel loved, supported and encouraged to have fun, because when they have fun, the members have fun. We have 10,500 members and over 1,000 people coming through the building every single day. Our family membership rate is US$119 a month, while our adult membership rate is US$69 a month.
We have a 110,000 square foot facility with two indoor pools and a full wellness center with a dedicated high-intensity interval training area. We have spin, yoga and group exercise studios, plus we also have 162 kids in our afterschool child care program and a whole youth development wing that we just did a US$1m renovation to, with the grand opening coming up on January 14th.
What role does group training play at your facility?
CP: Historically, our classes were predominantly attended by a static demographic that didn’t fully represent the community we serve. We wanted to attract a broader demographic – including younger participants, men, and individuals from various ethnic backgrounds. By diversifying our group training offering, we hoped to deepen and widen penetration of group fitness participation among our members and we knew there would be significant upside in terms of retention if we could achieve that.
So my team spent two years working on this, but they weren’t really able to move the dial and then I met Shelby Saylor from Les Mills at a Y conference and I said: “You can tell me the quality, the retention rates, you can tell me all the things. All I'm interested in is diversifying our Instructor team and diversifying the members who therefore participate in group exercise.” And Shelby smiled and said very confidently “I’m your gal”. We’ve been working together since then and it’s been a brilliant experience. Aside from the quality of insights and solutions Shelby proposed, I was really impressed by how structured and seamless the launch strategy was. As a YMCA facility, we often struggle with suppliers who don’t offer much support post-signing. Les Mills, however, provides an incredibly comprehensive rollout plan, making the partnership smooth and effective. Their approach really sets the standard for how partnerships should be executed.
What’s been the impact of the partnership?
CP: Diversifying our instructor team was essential to attracting a broader audience and Les Mills’ support was invaluable. They helped us identify and recruit diverse talent from within our existing membership and staff base, including younger instructors, individuals of color, and men. They also facilitated outreach to local colleges and provided access to the LES MILLS CONNECT portal that helps us to find Instructors already teaching in the area. As a result, we’ve seen a 10% change in our Instructor demographics and we still have work to do, but already we’ve seen a big impact on our club numbers.
When we started the partnership we had 10% of our members taking part in group exercise, but in less than a year that’s risen to 14% and we’re gunning for 20%. Within months of launching our first Les Mills program BODYPUMP™, we saw a 1.33% increase in member retention rates, a 9% increase in new member joins and a 2% decrease in cancellations. This equates to an additional $26,719 in monthly membership revenue, with the potential to contribute $320,000 annually. It’s been a game-changer for our bottom line and proves the ROI of investing in high-quality group fitness programs.
What’s been the response from members and staff?
CP: The response has been overwhelmingly positive. Members love the classes, and our Instructors have embraced the program wholeheartedly. One of our Senior Wellness Directors, is a seasoned group exercise professional and she was kicking and screaming at the prospect of “canned” programs and being told how to do classes, but now she’s one of Les Mills’ biggest advocates and thinks it’s amazing. She’s seen first-hand how BODYPUMP has elevated the quality of our group exercise offering and positively impacted the entire team, including Instructors not directly involved with Les Mills programs.
Have there been any secondary benefits from implementing Les Mills programs?
CP: Absolutely. Beyond group exercise, we’ve seen a ripple effect across other areas of the facility. Some of our personal trainers, who hadn’t considered group exercise before, are now exploring certifications. We’ve added LES MILLS CORE™ to the timetable and we’ve also introduced BORN TO MOVE™ – a Les Mills program for kids – which has energized our after-school program and engaged younger members. It’s been amazing to see how these programs integrate into our overall Y mission to serve all age groups, from kids through to seniors.
What was the launch strategy behind BODYPUMP?
CP: We adopted a two-phase launch strategy. First, we conducted a soft launch during the summer months, a typically quieter period for our Branch. This helped us build momentum and introduce members to BODYPUMP without the pressure of a large-scale campaign. In the fall, as members returned in greater numbers, we ramped up our efforts with a full-scale launch. Our promotional activities included social media campaigns and in-branch messaging, especially in our classes, which generated excitement and drove participation.
What’s next for Greendale Family Branch and your partnership with Les Mills?
CP: We’re already planning our next steps. In the spring, we’ll be launching another Les Mills program. Our goal is to introduce a class that appeals to a new demographic within our membership. While we’re considering options like BODYBALANCE™ or BODYCOMBAT™, we’re leaning on Shelby’s expertise to guide us toward the best fit. We’re also exploring rolling out Les Mills across our other facilities. And we’re super excited for the grand opening of the renovated Youth Innovation and Learning Hub, which will include features like a ninja rig for kids. These initiatives align with our broader mission to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for all.
What advice would you give to other YMCA facilities considering Les Mills programs?
CP: Don’t hesitate. The support and structure Les Mills offers are unmatched. From the rollout strategy to ongoing Instructor training and marketing resources, they make the process seamless. Also, be intentional about measuring success. Les Mills helped us set clear goals and track our progress, which has been key to demonstrating the value of the partnership.
Les Mills has crafted a new series of programs to meet the specific demands of Gen Z and put your club in the fast-lane for growth.