Club Goal


As a low-cost club, offering any additional services to your members is a huge deal – and you need to capitalize by making a big marketing splash. But a big splash doesn’t necessarily mean a huge investment. See how Genki managed to get more visits more often through a cleverly executed marketing campaign.

As a non-profit club every investment decision needs to provide the best outcome for your members and the best return on investment in terms of longevity, use and being fit for purpose. But can equipment choices really impact your attendance and provide ROI? For your segment, absolutely!

As a community club you have a diverse membership, just like 1Life. This means the equipment you use needs to be fit for purpose and easily used by all your members, ideally without the need for assistance or instructions. But can equipment choices really impact your attendance and provide ROI? For your segment, absolutely!

As a club servicing the education sector, you understand the benefits of successful orientation. But have you applied them in your club? When dealing with thousands of members or potential members, you need one strategy that works for all. Focusing on a successful induction is your answer - it certainly worked for SC Fitness and their 87,000 members.

In the corporate segment, getting your members to find the time to visit your club is what helps them see long-term value and keeps retention higher. Ensuring your members have an opportunity to try something outside of their usual routine is what will drive increased attendance. See how Genki managed to get more visits more often through a cleverly executed marketing campaign.

As a premium club your members expect more than good, they are paying for and expect the best. When your biggest differentiator is your people, you need to make sure that they are trained to the highest level. The good news: this investment pays off through significant increases in attendance. Increased lifetime membership value is just around the corner…

As a boutique club, one of your biggest assets and differentiators is your instructors. Your members come because they enjoy their personalities, but they come more often when they are getting results. You might think your team is good – but what would it take to make them GREAT? See what a tangible commercial difference some training can make to your attendance figures.

As a traditional health club servicing the mid-market you offer your members a range of different services and facilities. It can often be confusing for members to know where to start, and the first 30 days are crucial to increasing lifetime membership value. See how traditional health club SC Fitness found a single strategy that improved attendance across all of their clubs.



Genki, a single site club in Sweden already achieving group fitness attendance >50%, wanted to explore how launching one new program would impact attendance.



Genki effectively planned a new program launch marketing campaign culminating in a launch event.

  • Launched LES MILLS SPRINT™ on January 1st 2019 – adding seven additional classes to the timetable
  • Utilized a six-week marketing campaign, featuring the collateral provided in the LES MILLS SPRINT Launch Toolkit – including a single launch event
  • Les Mills provided a trainer three weeks before launch to upskill all staff in product knowledge



increase in group fitness visits in the five months post launch

  • The new classes were so popular the club soon added another two classes to the timetable, totaling just nine additional classes of the new program.
  • Achieved a 52% increase in group fitness visits in five months, compared to the same period in 2018 (18,920 versus 12,447)
  • Achieved an overall increase in group fitness % of total attendance from 53.8% to 65%, compared to the same period in 2018

Download the complete set of growth strategies

Interested in the other four proven strategies for group fitness attendance growth? Download our Guaranteed Growth guide and you'll get the complete set. This guide will give you a blueprint to tackle increasing class attendance from every angle. Each of the strategies has driven real results for our club partners around the world.